A career beyond theoretical particle physics:
Winterover at the German Antarctic Station

Markus Schulze

About myself

  • 2008: PhD in theoretical particle physics, Karlsruhe
    2008: Postdoc Johns Hopkins Universtity, Baltimore
    2011: Director‘s Fellow Argonne National Lab, Chicago
    2013: CERN Theory Fellow, Geneva
    MIT visiting fellow
    2016: Heisenberg Fellowship, HU Berlin
    2021: Winterover at the German Antarctic Station

Scientific track record

[google scholar, hep inspires]

Collider phenomenology
Multi-loop calculations
Higgs boson characterization
Top quark physics
Teaching, supervision, external funding, invited talks,

referee, board duties, organized workshops, outreach ...

2020-21 + Lockdowns + Home office

  • Around 1900:

  • Today:

The Job

Phase 1: Preparation

5 month in Bremerhaven

Phase 2: Transfer & on-site training

1 month via South Africa

Phase 3: Winterover

13 month in Antarctica

(Phase 4: Reintegration into civilization )

6 month at home


8 days Mountain and Survial Training

Firefighter Training

Up and away: 26 December 2021


Thanks for your attention



Polar Lights
